Disney Manipulates Viewers with its Remakes
Photo from Tribune News Service
The first Disney movie remake was the live action version of the classic “Jungle Book”
September 24, 2021
The first Disney movie remade into a live action movie was ‘The Jungle Book.’ It was first remade in 1994, and then remade once more in 2016. The first remake made them 43.2 million, and the second made a bit more: 966.6 million. Sure, Netflix made its own in 2018: ‘Mowgli: King of the Jungle’, but this isn’t about Netflix’s remake. It’s about Disney’s. And how much they’ve made. Adding 43.2 and 966.6 million dollars, Disney has made about 1.009 Billion dollars off these two movies alone. That’s a lot of money. All from two little movies. And sure, maybe the plot was changed around a bit, or maybe Scarlett Johansson or Benedict Cucumberstick voiced a character or two. But in the end, it’s just a movie. A regurgitated movie that had made people rich. And, if remaking that movie twice was enough to make them over a billion dollars, why not do it again?
Disney has remade a total of 33 classic movies in all, including sequels to these movies. (And Jungle Book’s second remake). I wont bother naming them all, or the money they’ve made separately, but, adding up all the rounded total dollars they’ve made from each of these 33 remakes, not counting some extra millions and thousands of extra change, Disney has made about 9.6 Billion dollars from these remakes. 9.6 Billion. From movies you’ve already seen dozens of times. Sure, let’s say they changed the plot around a bit. Okay. Now Mulan, instead of becoming an excellent soldier despite her gender and despite the protests and degradation from those around her through hard training, work, and patience, was born that way, born ‘special’, and barely needed any training to become an excellent soldier. Or maybe Will Smith playing a genie, and since his predecessor was funny and famous, why not? Or maybe they’ll have their 37th first ‘gay character’, only for it to be barely hinted at and never explicitly said, shown, or at least referenced properly. But hey, times are changing…
To conclude this mess, Disney has the ability to manipulate us, to manipulate our parents, into seeing, into buying, something we may look at and think “oh, hey, I saw that as I kid, I remember that! I wonder what they did to it.” Or “Hey, that’s old, but now it’s new! That’s pretty neat!” with something as simple as CGI lions or famous actors or nostalgic characters. 10 Billion off of us mindless nostalgia-hungry puppets who’ll do pretty much anything for a good laugh or neat songs to sing along to, or own cool collectable merchandise. Even give them all our money or sign off our souls without probably even realizing it. And the thing is, I have to give credit to them. These people, this company, is making more money than quite a few countries, yes; countries, off of some movies, subscriptions, and T-shirts. Off of us. Off of you and me.
They’re manipulating us, and it’s as clear as day to see. But they’re smart, uncreative, but smart. And rich. And they’re use they’re money and they’ll use their intelligence and their manipulation skills to grow bigger and bigger and bigger- till what? What will they do if there’s no more room to grow? Will there even ever be too much room from them to grow? There must be. Because there’s no way they can just expand and grow and consume more and more forever, right?