“What If?” Series Surprises Watchers
AP Images/Yong Teck Lim
Marvel has recently come out with new series about what could have happened in many of their movies
October 29, 2021
Anyone with a Disney + subscription would have been hard pressed to ignore the release of Marvel’s What If? Series. The premise of the show is that each episode takes an integral part of a marvel movie and changes the outcome.
The first episode, for example, shows what would have happened if Peggy Carter had received the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Another episode features Black Widow and Hawkeye trying to survive in a world where Ultron had defeated the Avengers. Bryan Andrews, director of the series, stated in an interview, “This gave us an opportunity to apply a little taste of a variety of genres into the Marvel Cinematic Universe”. “Variety” is certainly the most important word, in this case, as the new series cohesively moves from comedic episodes to much darker scenarios and themes.
Many fans were happy to see their favorite films from a different perspective and enjoyed the deeper dive into the marvel cinematic universe. The most popular episode according to critics was the 2nd episode which was called “What if…T’challa became a Star Lord?”. Many found this episode bittersweet due to the fact that T’challa was voiced by the late Chadwick Boseman and was in fact the last role that he played before he passed away in August of 2020. Fans felt that Boseman’s character was treated very well and were happy to see him operate in a film such as Guardians of the Galaxy with much lighter tones.
Episode 4 of the series was also commended by critics for portraying the character of Doctor Strange well. The episode is called “What if… Dr. Strange Lost his Heart Instead of His Hands?” and it featured a heartbroken Doctor Strange who risks the structure of the universe to avoid a tragedy. Though the action of the series is not typically talked about, many critics remembered the final fight scene of that episode with a degree of awe.
It seems as though the series has strong roots. The acting is solid, the writing is good, and at it’s best the series can make audiences laugh or cry. Fans now await the release of season 2 and look forward to the answers to whatever questions the series sets out to answer.