“Home Sweet Home Alone” Becomes Sixth Home Alone Movie
AP Images/Media Punch
Ellie Kemper, actress, plays the role of pam Mckenzie in the recent release of the movie.
December 16, 2021
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains spoilers from the movie.
Home Sweet Home Alone was released on November 12th, 2021. It is a reboot of the original ‘Home Alone’, making it the 6th official Home Alone movie.
The movie starts off with introducing us to our two main protagonists: Jeff and Pam McKenzie, two struggling parents who will have to sell their home in order to support their children.
They later find out an heirloom of theirs; an old doll with an upside-down head; costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is enough money to save their home. However, upon searching for it, they come to find it missing, and suspect the thief to be Max Mercer, a rude young child who showed interest in the doll earlier, …and who is currently left home alone.
Desperate to save their home for their children, they break into his house, only to be spooked off the first time around by an alarm, leaving Max time to prepare for their next break-in. Once Max has finally finished up all his traps, the bandits eventually break into the house, prepared this time, thus wacky hi-jinks ensuing with the slap-stick humor it was leading up to.
Finally, after Pam and Jeff get ahold of the kid, only for him to explain he thought they were trying to kidnap and sell him to get rich, and that he never stole the doll to begin with, but Pam and Jeff’s Kleptomaniac nephew.
Once they get the doll back and sell it, they’re able save their home and pay off their mortgage and become close friends with the Mercers in the end.
In all honesty, this movie was terrible. Usually, trashy remakes might have been more successful had they been their own thing, or at least held some bits of charm from the original. But nope, not this movie.
In the original, the wet bandits were just two thieves’ trying to rob the house of a family who was on vacation, which is what made seeing them fall right into Kevin’s traps so funny. But when its two dumb, yet sympathetic characters just trying to save their home, especially ones who we’re supposed to relate to just makes you wince and cringe.
Kevin may have been bratty and rude, but he had reasons to. His family was rude and just straight mean to him at times. Max had no real reason to hate his family, unless you consider being too busy on the phone to talk to him at the moment and asking him to clean up a mess a valid reason to hate your whole family.
All the original charm the original movie held has been sucked out with a greedy straw and replaced with bone-dry gags and ‘humor’. The only decent part of the movie was when Buzz McAllister, Kevin’s older brother, showed up as a cop and stated that once a year Kevin called the police department and claimed a child had been left home alone, causing Buzz to wave off the report of Max being home alone as just Kevin playing his old tricks again. Aside from that, there was nothing from this movie that could possibly be worthy of earning the title of its predecessor.