Devious Licks Meet its Match
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After weeks of “Devious Licks,” many students are returning the items and calling them “Angelic Yields.”
October 29, 2021
From the creators of the Tide-pod trend and the cinnamon challenge, we bring you: Tiktok. From filing down your teeth to faking serious mental illnesses, Tiktok really has it all.
One of the more recent trends you may have heard of is the ‘Devious Lick’. This trend was created by tiktok user ‘jugg4elias’, who re-corded himself showing off a box of disposable masks, claiming he stole them from his own school.
This short clip proceeded to go viral seemingly overnight, with tiktokers left and right replicating the video. Soon enough, students from GBHS were stealing things as well; soap dispensers, toilet paper, Mrs. Etlang’s stapler. There have even been rumors of a whole stall door being stolen.
This trend has even led to students getting arrested. “Teenagers who are caught damaging or stealing school property as a part of a Tiktok trend will face criminal charges.” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says about the situation.
Despite the troubles and distress the Devious Lick has caused for most people involved, a newer, better trend has arisen from the flames: ‘The Angelic Yield’.
It appears that Tiktok user ‘j.uher7’ started the Angelic Yield (occasionally known as the ‘Holy Yield’). The tiktok consists of them putting a roll of toilet paper in the stall of their school’s bathroom, with the caption ‘No more Devious Licks around here!’.
The simple act of placing a half-used roll of toilet paper has seemingly triggered the inner hero in everybody, as its popularity has spiked tremendously shortly after its first appearance.
People have recorded themselves returning soap dispensers to their bathrooms and random stuff back to their classrooms, like post-it notes and pencils, instead of bragging about their loot on tiktok.
The ‘#deviouslick’ tag has since been re-moved from the app, and the videos preforming this trend have since been deleted. While this is a step in the right direction, along with the An-gelic Yields, trends like this probably shouldn’t be given the chance to get so popular in the first place. Tiktok needs to get stricter with its content and content creators, or things like the devious lick will become so common to the point where they won’t be able to ban them all without just banning TikTok in general. But, for now, the only thing TikTok can do to save itself from being banned altogether in our country is to keep spreading positivity like the angelic yield and just hope that it will be enough.