Club Beat: February
February 11, 2022
Interact Club makes Oyster Cages
Interact Club recently won a competition for the Florida League of Cities to build an oyster garden for Gulf Breeze. This was the first oyster cage the club had built. The cage was presented by Amie Birk, Marshall Gutshall, Ben Railey, and Adam Watson.

Military Student Support Group
submitted by Mrs. Davenport
The Military Student Support Group (MSSG), sponsored by Mr. Floyd, donated toys for Christmas to the families of a small organization targeted with helping the Gulf Breeze community of Wounded Warriors. The organization is led by Rob Vickers, the founder of Emerald Coast Wounded Warriors.

Key Club
This month, Key Club began the Dictionary project.
They distributed hundreds of dictionaries to third graders at Oriole Beach and Gulf Breeze Elementary.
Key Club elected chose a dictionary woman or man for each school to teach the kids how to use the dictionaries. Key Cllub also picked up the wreaths at NAS for wreaths across America and were able to help out with a community garden in Gulf Breeze Proper.