Club Beat: March
March 10, 2022
FBLA Districts
Samantha Sherman was awarded 1st place and Grace Bian was awarded 3rd in the District 1 competition for Future Business Leaders of America, which encompasses Escambia and Santa Rosa county schools.
Top 25 Santa Rosa County Senior Artists Recognized
A reception was held at Milton High School with Dr. Karen Barber and District 3 Representative Linda Sanborn in attendance. Each artist recieved a medal and certificate. The artists highlighted from GBHS were Isabelle Curd, Samantha Gilbert, Destin Henderson, Grace Keeney, Malia Ludwick, Alec Peavy and Brianna Poole.
HOSA Competes
HOSA-Future Health Professionals competed at the Northwest Regional Competition in February. 12 Students earned first place and Top 25 Santa Rosa County Senior Artists Recognized.

Spanish Honor Society Inductions
On Wednesday, March 2nd, GBHS’ chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica – or National Spanish Honor Society – inducted their new members for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Optimist Club
Optimist Club – along with Key Club, Interact, and SGA – all worked together to help raise approximately $5000.00 at a Pancake Breakfast to help a former Gulf Breeze High School teacher, Trish Droogsma, during this difficult time as she battles cancer treatment. The outpouring of support was tremendous, and we thank everyone that came out to help.
Optimist Club and Key Club both volunteered at the Double Bridge Run. Proceeds for helping support our Sarah Brown Memorial Scholarship. Applications for this Scholarship are available in the Library and in Mrs. Duffy’s room. Due April 1st.
Seniors, applications for the Linda Knowles Memorial Scholarship are available. Pick up the application from your math teacher or from Mrs. Duffy’s room. Due April 1st.
Anyone interested in the Optimist Oratorical contest need to pick up an application in Mrs. Duffy’s room. Contest is set for early April. Winners will receive prize money.