Disability Month

AP Images/Steven Senne

There are many big and small things that one can do to help the disabled.

Evelyn Henry, Staff Writer

  Disability awareness month is a very important month for many reasons. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about people with developmental disabilities.

   Developmental disabilities include disabilities such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and down syndrome. As of 2017, figures show that about 1 in 6 children are identified to have some kind of developmental disability.

   Disabilities may not be physical or even visible. They could be learning, developmental or intellectual disabilities.

   Even as common as disability is, not enough people know how to interact with disabled people.

   “To so many people, disability remains a mystery, this is very scary and overwhelming topic,” says disability rights activist and writer Emily Ladau. “We don’t talk about it. We ignore it. We shy away from it. We hide it away. But that not what we should do when it comes to disability, because it’s something that’s just part of what makes people who they are.”

   Therefore, thinking critically and remaining educated about disabilities is important so that we can be aware and educate others to understand their societies, their families, their relationships, and their experiences to make the world more understanding and accepting.

   To be clear, disabilities may not be physical or even visible. They could be learning, developmental or intellectual disabilities.

   Everyone wants and deserves to enjoy life and feel productive and secure. Which is why it’s so important to educate others to make life a little more enjoyable for everyone.