Teacher of the Issue: Mr. Ford

May 16, 2023
Every month, the Blue and Gold Newspaper will choose one teacher from the school to be featured for “The Teacher of the Issue.” The teachers are chosen and voted on by the newspaper staff every month. For May, there was no doubt which teacher would be selected for the issue.
Nathan Ford, a graduate of Ole Miss, has his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Arts in Education Administration. Ford has taught U.S. history, world history, economics, and government. Ford states “For the past two years, I’ve taught U.S. Government and Politics and AP U.S. Government and Politics which means I have the honor of knowing just about every senior at Gulf Breeze.”
Ford has prior experience in local government and thinks that his route to teaching government and politics was a “natural fit.” He feels that he is analytical but prefers to approach the subject as a history teacher. “A history teacher is a storyteller, and I work very hard to immerse myself and my students in time and place.” states Ford. He explains that history does not repeat itself and that it is not like mathematics where “there is a beautiful formula that can yield the same result.”
Ford has only taught at the college level. He has taught career education, internship, and senior year experience courses. However, Ford states “I like teaching at the high school level because it is more challenging, and you have to encourage desire.”
Ford has returned to education. He had worked for a stint in city administration and has many experiences working at colleges and universities including the University of West Florida, the University of Tennessee and Ole Miss. Ford eventually returned to education at the high school level where, “educational gains are measurable, and you are a part of a team.” He explains that once you have experience working outside of K12, “you realize that if you ever get to return, that education is incredibly meaningful.” Ford feels as though that he has a vocation and not a job, and that teaching requires patience and putting your own needs aside. Ford states “Truly, I have had many jobs. There is nothing like the vocation of teaching.”
Not only is Ford an amazing teacher, but he also enjoys running, surfing, fishing, playing soccer and all things that are outdoors. He likes to try new things, anywhere from engine repair to ballroom dancing. Ford has also coached a fair share of sports like lacrosse, basketball, and soccer. He has also served as a club advisor for numerous clubs at Gulf Breeze.
Ford explains that Gulf Breeze is a great environment for teachers. “Strong, caring leadership and many of my colleagues have a great commitment to teaching.” states Ford.