The student news site of Gulf Breeze High School

The Blue & Gold

The student news site of Gulf Breeze High School

The Blue & Gold

The student news site of Gulf Breeze High School

The Blue & Gold

Feminism in the Barbie Movie-Gone Too Far?


Did the new Barbie Movie out rule the world’s “mojo-dojo casa-ness” or tell it that the embodiment of women is the color pink and being sweet and perky? This movie has many mixed ratings, some are completely opposed to Barbie being a representation of feminism while some are flattered by the fact and think writers have promoted the experiences of feminism perfectly. 

After watching the Barbie Movie, I felt they did a fantastic job showcasing every child’s dream of “Barbie Land” and the magical, pink, perfect world anyone would want to visit. The movie had great cinematography from the cute houses to the beach and the transition to “The Real World” I enjoyed it all, I felt like I came out of the theater with a different understanding of the world. I may be biased with the fact that I grew up with a Barbie in hand and love them to this day, but I know that even if you were not as intrigued by them in your childhood this movie had you questioning yourself on the way out. *Possible spoiler* Barbie wonders what her purpose could possibly be if not entertaining and creating a happy childhood for all children, to carry into their adulthood. 

Her entire life she had the idea that she needed to have perfectly styled blonde hair and symmetrical arched feet of all things. But she didn’t want to live for that anymore, if you could even call her daily routine living.  Girls and boys all over the world grew up thinking that Barbie and Ken were the ideal for everything and this movie proved to me at least, that they were just Barbie and Just Ken, and individuals shouldn’t constantly be comparing themselves to them. This was just one of the many messages exhibited. 

 Let’s not forget Margot Robbie’s incredible performance though, many would say she is the perfect person for the role. With her bubbly personality and look she represented exactly what Barbie is. Not only for her exterior looks was she Barbie but she truly put her heart and soul into this movie and became her. Making the movie everything it was capable of being. 

In the sequence of the all the Kens fighting, scrounging for masculinity, and wanting to promote patriarchy, this is just a humorous and dramatized scene of what the past basically was to a woman. Barbie returns and finds her friends at the beck and call of the Kens. In a state of hopelessness, she tries to convince her Ken to help her restore Barbieland as it was. He refuses to give in to her once again. The Barbies confirm a plan and later in the movie equality is presented after a difficult time of regaining it. 

The core idea promoted in the movie was that all beings are equal, no matter your gender, ethnicity, how you look or dress, where you work, or even your hobbies. That neither men nor women should be considered lesser than or be belittled. Everyone has their role in society and should not be divided.