Can guys and girls just be friends?

Corbett Davis

“I have been in both positions as the guy best friend and the boyfriend wary of the potential guy best friend and I can confidently say                    guys and girls CAN NOT be only friends.”

     The age of old question. Can guys and girls become best friends and nothing more? Can they stay platonic and neither party catch feelings? I do not believe so. The common trope of “The guy best friend” where a guy and girl are in a relationship and the “Best friend” likes the girl, but the girl denies it saying he is just a friend.  


    Personally, I have been in both positions as the guy best friend and the boyfriend wary of the potential guy best friend and I can confidently say guys and girls CAN NOT be only friends. If two people spend enough quality time alone and in groups one will inevitably catch feelings. From what I have observed, women have friendships where they are able to become emotionally available to their friends and be vulnerable to them. On the contrary, men do not have such luxury.  

    When a man opens up to a female whether it be girlfriend or “Friend” it is special. Men typically don’t share their feelings with other men, it’s just how we as a gender are. So, with no emotional outlet readily and easily accessible men typically turn to women. Whether that be their current significant other if they have one, or their “Girl best friend” they are the sole person that man will emotionally become available too.  


    Inducting a poll, 76% males said no they cannot be friends, and 74% of females said they could be friends. The gender gap being so large piqued my interest, so I decided to interview the AP psychology teacher Jonny Cook. Mr. Cook is among the 26% of males who believe that a coed friendship can exist, but it is on a time frame. He does not believe they can be best friends in the true sense. He stated, “Even if neither fall in love nor gain attraction, an issue will arise when one gains a significant other.” So, are they really best friends if their dynamic can change that easily?” 

     He later commented on how his study of psychology has also influenced his view on coed friendships and relations. He states that psychology men are “More likely to misread signs” or “Risk a friendship for a relationship” as opposed to females who are psychologically less likely to do either. 


Another factor I have found as a commonality is quite shallow. However, it is the fact that women can have male friends they don’t find attractive whereas men won’t. If they are spending that much alone time with a female and are “Best friends.” Odds are the male at the very least finds them attractive. It is extremely shallow yes, but I have found it to be a common truth among men. Ladies, if you have a guy best friend one of three things is most likely to be true. He either, A wants to engage in intercourse, B, has a plan to engage in intercourse, or C, has a plan to take you to homecoming or prom.