Staff Editorial: Ukraine – A Call For the United States to Unite

The Blue and Gold Staff

  In a political sense, the United States is divided on just about every topic imaginable. Up until now, that has remained the case for several years. However, there now seems to be one idea that Americans can all rally behind — the crisis in Ukraine. The truth is, there is nothing to justify Russia in their actions towards Ukraine. The U.S. knows this, the western world knows this, and even many Russians have come to acknowledge this. Even Switzerland has chosen a side. As for Americans, all news sources are reporting the same atrocities and Democrats and Republicans alike can be seen flying Ukrainian flags in support. What the United States really needs is to unite. They say it takes a war to achieve true peace, and however unfortunate this is, it needs to be now. The U.S. finally has a goal we can all work towards and we can use this to achieve political peace within our own country.