October 5, 2023 Jonah Studdard, Opinion Editor
I don’t know too many people who are confidently happy with U.S. politics. While it may be more eventful and crazier than commonly watched...
October 1, 2023 Hallie Cullipher, Online Editor & Sports Coordinator
A member of both beach volleyball and women’s volleyball at Gulf Breeze, Riley Bloomberg does it all! A senior in the setting position, Bloomberg...
October 1, 2023 Elias Fenner, Staff Writer
As of July 1st, 2023, students who wish to go by a name different from the one given to them at birth, be it a nickname or a name a student feels...
October 1, 2023 Jackson Miller, Staff Writer
As college becomes more prominent amongst the average student’s educational experience, college education’s aura of higher intelligence and...
September 29, 2023 Autumn Peeks, Business Manager
In early August, the College Board, an organization that oversees the 30+ AP classes available to high school students, issued a statement addressing...
The 2024 United States Presidential election results are official: Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance have won the election, winning both the electoral...